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2014년 3월16일 Twitter 이야기 macmaca1 06:41|twitter Pope is Catholic Emperor! It is a wisdom to recognize Major Powers(U.S.A., Russia, China, Britain, France). http://t.co/oOUlxvvL0j macmaca1 06:45|twitter World class Universities. Despite the contradiction,it is eternal. http://t.co/9Cg1nUv8qw
Pope is Catholic Emperor! It is a wisdom to recognize Major Powers(U.S.A., Russia, China, Britain, France). Pope is Catholic Emperor(Continuous tradition!). It is a wisdom to recognize Major Powers(U.S.A., Russia, China, Britain, France). http://www.mt.co.kr/view/mtview.php?type=1&no=2014031309461126177&outlink=1 * 본 글은 비영리적이며, 공익적인 글로 세계의 복잡한 정세를 더욱 잘 이해하여 분쟁을 미리 막고 조화롭게 공존하는 사회를 만..
2014년 3월15일 Twitter 이야기 macmaca1 21:57|twitter Russia Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders(according to http://t.co/TXKOCxWgUV
Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders. But, the big battle is to prevented. Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders(according to Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances). But, the big battle is to prevented. ​ If people in the autonomous republic Crimea adopt the merger resolution, Russia's conciliatory gestures are as follows. Because Russia should respect international law.​ ​ Ukraine and Russi..
2014년 3월14일 Twitter 이야기 macmaca1 04:08|twitter Opposition to Separation and independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Official views of the Yanukobichi, http://t.co/IhIcahDGJJ macmaca1 07:10|twitter I support the arbitration of Merkel, German Chancellor. She emphasized that there is no room http://t.co/TZSff9g7AD
I support the arbitration of Merkel, German Chancellor. She emphasized that there is no room I support the arbitration of Merkel,German Chancellor. She emphasized that there is no room for compromise on Ukraine's territorial integrity http://www.newsis.com/ar_detail/view.html?ar_id=NISX20140314_0012786171&cID=10105&pID=10100 @ Opposition to Separation and independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Official views of the Yanukobichi, President of Ukraine governm..
Opposition to Separation and independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Official views of the Yanukobichi, Opposition to Separation and independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Official views of the Yanukobichi, President of Ukraine government in exile(2014. 3. 1). 망명정부 대통령 야누코비치의 의지. @ "시위대에 발포 명령 내린 적 없어…크림 자치공화국 분리·독립에는 반대"(2014. 3. 1) 2014년 3월 1일 (모스크바=연합뉴스)..
2014년 3월13일 Twitter 이야기 macmaca1 01:59|twitter German Chancellor Angela Merkel has emerged as the Moderator of ​ Ukraine crisis . President Putin shall acknowledge http://t.co/EgytNjF8dF macmaca1 22:54|twitter 문성근 前대표! 次期 大選 향방을 가를수있는 정치인! RT @kyunghyang “신당, 온·오프라인 결합 시민참여형 당 만들어야” 문성근 전 민주당 대..