UN안보리 5대 상임이사국(미국.러시아.중국.영국.프랑스), 세계종교인 가톨릭신자들의 정신적 구심점 국가인 바티칸시티(교황청)등을 세계사적 http://t.co/xS6dKUB7CV
I think Viktor Yanukovych is the President of Government in exile. Ukrainians should have academic discussion. http://t.co/G9L2PgAyjs
The United States and Russia need to adjust the different opinions. http://t.co/jIaHDvCAxm
Ousted President of Ukraine, Victor yanukobichi strongly condemned Autonomous Republic of Crimea, because http://t.co/JlYBkn3vLR
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